Subscription form creator
Within the new view, you have four types of templates at your disposal. You can additionally enrich them with advanced graphic options, including choosing a font, background color, border, size and even animation of pop-up apperance on page.
* All of the below stages are available only for personalized and tiny templates. Other templates offer only a few of the following options.
The appearance of the sign-up form on the page may be accompanied by a darkening of the site's background - to do this, select the "Gray" option in the background section. For a more subtle approach, select the "Shadow" option. You can also display the form without changing the background at all.
Sign-up form
Here you can choose the size and shape of the form, background color, placement on the page and animation.
In this section, you can add graphics that appear next to the text, manage borders, and select a layout.
Add a title to your pop-up and choose the color, font type and size, and alignment for it.
Add content to your form using the same options as in the Header section.
This option allows you to specify the appearance of action buttons on the sign-up form. You can adjust shape, color, and even the effect when a user hovers over a button.
This step allows you to specify where the sign-up form should appear on your mobile device. You can also choose to hide the sign-up form on mobile devices and display it only on desktops and tablets.
You can check the result of your work by hovering over the arrow icon.
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