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In the Campaigns section you can find information about campaigns statistics:
Number of campaigns - how many campaigns were sent in a given time range,
CTR - analyze Click-Through Rate (sum clicked to sum delivered ratio) of your campaigns in a selected time range. The Click-Through Rate is one of the most important metrics in push notifications, showing the relation of clicked pushes to number of sent notifications,
Average CTR - average Click-Through Rate of your campaigns (average CTR from your campaigns CTR)
Clicked - number of clicked push notifications in a given time range,
Delivered - number of delivered notifications in a given time range,
Sent - number of sent notifications in a given time range,
Number of campaigns - a chart presenting how many campaigns was sent daily in a given time range,
Statistics - a chart presenting basic statistics of campaigns sent daily (clicked, delivered, sent) in a given time range,
CTR - charts with daily CTR results in a given time range (sum clicked to sum delivered ratio) and daily Average CTR results in a given time range (average CTR from your campaigns CTR),
DSP - charts with daily deliverability rate in a given time range (sum delivered to sum sent ratio) and daily average deliverability rate in a given time range (average DSP from your campaigns DSP),
Sending hours - a bar chart presenting number of campaigns sent depending on time of day in a given time range,
Subscribers activity - a bar chart presenting delivered and clicked depending on time of day in a given time range.