While working on your test, you can save it as a draft and come back to it later. However, you need to have a minimum of 2 and up to 10 variants in your test to proceed.
At the top of the Variants step you will see tabs, with one tab for each variant. To add a new variant, click on the ‘Add variant’ button on the right of the variants tabs.
Below the tabs, on the right-hand side, you can see a trash button and a ‘Send to yourself’ button. Trash button deletes a variant. A ‘Send to yourself” button sends a variant to your device so you can see how the notification will look like.
The variant's anatomy is the same as in the push creator. For a valid variant you need to provide:
Other settings you can add or modify are:
icon (if none is provided, we will use your project logo or, if you haven't uploaded any, the green image with the bell icon),
image (big image visible in some browsers),
require interaction option (for Chrome browsers only: variant will be displayed until user clicks on it),
variant action buttons (up to 2 buttons).
Images for both icon and image can be uploaded from your device or you can choose some from your photo library.
You can check how the current variant looks like in a notification’s preview located in a column on the right-hand side of the page.
If you have set up some project settings (left-side navigation > Project settings), such as:
UTM parameters,
action buttons,
expire date,
require interaction.
they will be automatically applied to your variants, but you can modify them as you like.
Last updated