There are two ways to send your test:
Send now,
Schedule AB test.
By choosing the ‘Send now’ option, your test will get a set of already configured settings :
AB Test will start instantly,
last 15 minutes,
the winner will be chosen automatically based on CTR (in case of equal CTRs, variant with higher Clicked value will be selected, and for equal Clicked values, the winner will be sent randomly),
and the winner's expiration date will be set according to your project setting Expire Date (left-side navigation > Project settings) or default 72 hours.
In case you want to modify the time settings by yourself, switch to ‘Schedule AB test’.
In the ‘Schedule AB test’ you need to set:
test start date,
test end date (in a range from 15 minutes to 72 hours from the test start date),
winner selection type.
For winner selection type, you can choose between:
automatically sending a variant with a better CTR result,
selecting the winner manually.
In case you want us to choose the winner automatically, you’ll also need to provide:
winner send date (up to 72 hours from the test end date),
winner expire date (in a range from 1 to 72 hours from winner send date).
Last updated