This is only a part of the documentation on the automation feature
Automation scenarios allow you to automatize activities for a subscriber that visited your website.
Each scenario has a set of properties:
name - it doesn’t have to be unique in the project
priority (order of launching) - described by a number (by sorting on the automation list view)
flow - steps making up the scenario’s path
reset time for a given subscriber - implying the period after which the scenario can be sent again
When the subscriber is browsing the page, we gather behavioral information on their activities based on selectors to create beacons. We generate the subscriber’s context that is later related to the scenario, triggering it. Each activated scenario with the context allows us to manipulate the labels, and send a push notification to the given subscriber. All information from the context is available in the process, so you can use it to personalize the message or choose a concrete path based on the user’s previous behavior on the site.
There are several triggers for automation scenarios:
session start - the first beacon is the context
session end - 10 minutes after the first beacon - all beacons are grouped, and a context is created based on their data
new subscription
A scenario destroys itself after it’s done. It means that there is no possibility to view its progress historically. That’s why it’s important to properly set the labels to create segments or target the campaigns.
Last updated