Subscription form
The first signal that you’ve properly integrated your page is the display of this message.
The pop-up window is the sign-up form that visitors can use to agree to receive push notifications.
The subscription form is a showcase of web push activities on your website. It has a decisive influence on whether the recipient trusts you and decides to sign up for notifications or not. An attractive and well-designed form will help your recipient base grow steadily and give you a great chance to stay in touch with customers. It is worth taking some time to carefully craft its message and appearance at the very beginning.
Subscription form creator
Within the new view, you have four types of templates at your disposal. You can additionally enrich them with advanced graphic options, including choosing a font, background color, border, size and even animation of pop-up apperance on page.
* All of the below stages are available only for personalized and tiny templates. Other templates offer only a few of the following options.
The appearance of the sign-up form on the page may be accompanied by a darkening of the site's background - to do this, select the "Gray" option in the background section. For a more subtle approach, select the "Shadow" option. You can also display the form without changing the background at all.
Sign-up form
Here you can choose the size and shape of the form, background color, placement on the page and animation.
In this section, you can add graphics that appear next to the text, manage borders, and select a layout.
Add a title to your pop-up and choose the color, font type and size, and alignment for it.
Add content to your form using the same options as in the Header section.
This option allows you to specify the appearance of action buttons on the sign-up form. You can adjust shape, color, and even the effect when a user hovers over a button.
This step allows you to specify where the sign-up form should appear on your mobile device. You can also choose to hide the sign-up form on mobile devices and display it only on desktops and tablets.
You can check the result of your work by hovering over the arrow icon.
Time after which the form will appear
You can set up the time (in seconds) that pass between the users' enterance on the website and registration frm apperance.
If you want the form to be displayed when a user wants to leave the page, select the Show on page exit option.
Time after which the form will appear again
In Basic Integration, it is possible to display the form again after rejection. For example, you can decide that every 60 days the user will be offered another sign-up form for notifications.
This option is not available for integration with own domain. Using a native browser form gives the option of pressing the Block button, which means that the form will never be displayed again on this page and in this browser.
Display form rules
In the Display rules option, you can create the appropriate rules for the sign-up form and select the subpages on which it will not be displayed.
Please note, that if you do not indicate any subpages, the form will be displayed on every subpage of your website. You can add more rules at any time using the New rule button.
To check if the form is displayed correctly on particular subpages of your site, you can paste the link in the Test form rules field and press Test button.
Confirmation window
With basic integration, the notification entry consists of two steps. After displaying the subscription form with which the user agrees to receive notifications, an additional confirmation window will be displayed, in which he must confirm consent to subscribe once again.
The "Confirmation window" editing option can be found in the "Subscription form" section. You can change the content and set the logo of your project to personalize the confirmation window and make it visually consistent with the sign-up form.
Last updated