Campaigns tests
The fastest way to test the created web push notification is to use the "Send to yourself" button. After pressing the button, the notification you created will immediately appear on your device. Note: When using this option, the notification will not contain action buttons. Poniżej trzeba wstawić screen z tym przyciskiem.
When creating a mass campaign, it is possible to send test notifications to any device. This allows you to see how the notification will appear on laptops, phones and tablets.
The first step is to go to the site in the preview mode and enter a tag in the appropriate field that will determine which device you are saving from. You can add a tag using the pattern: name-browser-device. The preview mode works on both desktop and mobile devices. Note that you have to only do it once.
The next step is to select test tags when creating the campaign and sending the test. Just go to the Send campaign -> Push tab. On the right side of the wizard, you'll find the Test campaign section. Here you will find a place where you can enter your individual tags which have previously been used on your devices. Click the "Count" button because the test campaign can be sent to a maximum of 10 recipients.
After recalculation, you will see the option to save a draft of the notification and send test notifications to subscribers who have the selected tag.
Last updated