Sign up form appears after subscribing to notifications (Google Chrome)
Subscribing for notifications
If you have encountered this behavior of the subscription form, first make sure that all subscription settings were saved correctly in the panel.
Click Allow on the initial subscription form.
2. Click Allow In the confirmation window.
3. Add ?ppg_test_mode=on to the link parameter and refresh page.
A green bar will appear at the bottom of the page with information about the subscriber. If all subscription settings are correctly saved, the message "You are subscribed" will appear on the bar.
Installed Service Worker
To make sure someone is subscribed to notifications, it's worth checking if a service worker has been installed in the browser. To do this, open a new tab and enter chrome://serviceworker-internals/ in the browser toolbar. Then press ctrl + f and search for the name of the page for which the subscription should be made.
If the subscription is active, you will find an entry similar to the one in the graphic above.
Notification settings
The last thing to check is the notification settings in Google Chrome. To do this, open link - chrome://settings/contentExceptions#notifications in a new tab and then use ctr + f to search for the page name.
There should be a record containing website's address.
Integration with own domain and no sw.js file on the root path
If you have chosen the Integration with own domain in the Integration tab, and only placed the script in the HTML, but sw.js on the server is still missing, then the initial subscription form will be displayed every time you refresh the website. The solution is to place the sw.js (service worker) on the root path of your server.
Contact us
If you still need help with your sign-up form, please feel free to contact us at any time at Be sure to include a description of the problem.
Last updated