Apple Push Notification Service
Currently it's legacy method - new Safari browsers (since 16) support PushAPI and VAPID. Use this instruction only when you want to support old Safari Browsers.
Integration with Apple Push Notification Service allows you to send push notifications through Safari browser.
Authorization takes place via certificates, therefore in order to integrate your project with APNS, you will need to request a certificate in a p.12 file format from a Certificate Authority in your Certificate Assistant first.
Do not know how to generate certificate? Check instruction.
Safari CertificateIntegration content:
certificate store - store containing a private key and a public key issued for a specific appBundleId,
passphrase for a certificate - can be empty if the store is not secured with a password
How to integrate?
Go to the Providers page (left-side navigation > Providers page).
There, depending on the plan and whether your offer contains also sending mobile pushes, the Safari integration tile will be visible:
at the top of the page (without mobile pushes enabled)
in a “Web push” section (if mobile push is on).
The next step is to upload the certificate store in the p12 file format and enter its passphrase (if required).
ℹ️ Here you'll find an alert about the approaching certificate expiration. We will inform you 30 days before the date.
Last updated