Apple Push Notification Service

Integration with Apple Push Notification Service allows you to send push notifications through the Apple iOS platform. In order to integrate your mobile app with PushPushGo, implement one of our mobile SDK in your application:

To complete integration, register App ID on Apple Developer account, create APNs certificate (.p12 file) and upload it in Providers.

Create Certificate Signing Request

To generate Safari certificate you need to create Certificate Signing Request first. For this purpose launch the Keychain Access app.

Click on Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority.

The Assistant window will appear. Enter your e-mail address and name for your certificate. Then check Saved to disk option and click Continue.

Save the Certificate Signing Request (CSR). You will need it to generate a certificate.

Register an App ID

Log into your Apple Account and go to Identifiers section.

In Indentifiers click the add button (+) on the top left.

Select App IDs from the list of options and click continue.

Select App type and click Continue.

Enter a name or description for the App ID in the Description field. Select Explicit App ID and enter the app’s bundle ID in the Bundle ID field. The explicit App ID you enter here should match the bundle ID you entered in the target’s Summary pane in Xcode. Select the corresponding checkboxes to enable the app capabilities you want to use and click 'Continue'.

Review the registration information and click Register.

Create certificate

Go to Certificate tab. You will see a list of certificates you have created here.

In Certificates click the add button (+) on the top left.

Scroll down to "Services", select Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox & Production) option and click Continue.

Select the App ID you have created earlier from the list and click Continue.

Now you have to click on the Choose File button and select the CSR (Certificate Signing Request) you have generated. Proceed with Continue button.

Download your certificate, then double click on the file to install it.

The installed certificate will appear in Keychain Access (which you have used to create CSR). Right click on the certificate and export the file.

Save certificate using Personal Information Exchange (.p12) format.

Enter password and remember it - you will need to pass it to integrate your project with APNS.

After saving a certificate, go to Providers view (left-side navigation > Providers view) in the PushPushGo application, then scroll down to IOS Support.

Upload your certificate in a p.12 file format, type the passphrase with which you have secured the certificate, toggle 'Toggle production' (unless you want integration to work in development environment) and click Save.

You will see a green flag “Integrated” which means integration was successfully completed.

Remember that your project can only have one appBundleId assigned - and it can only be changed via an IT ticket. By uploading new certificates you are only overwriting them, without changing other parameters, i.e. appBundleId. If another certificate containing appBundleId is sent - an error will be returned.

In case of uploading an out-of-date certificate or if there are more certificates and keys in the store - an error will be returned.

Last updated