Our values
We don’t panic when something goes wrong. We always welcome feedback with open arms - even the negative one. We see it as an opportunity to improve and develop - both PushPushGo application and ourselves.
Respect and partnership
We are a team. We don’t need to adore each other, but we do need to respect each other in order to successfully cooperate.
Open to mistakes
With them comes the development. Don’t let the fear of making a mistake paralyze you. But when a misstep occurs, make sure to learn from it.
When one person grows, the whole company benefits. You can read or participate in various training sessions during office hours - everything you need in the name of education.
Trust and honesty
We can’t talk about independence without trust. You have it since your first day in PushPushGo office and then every day you prove you are worth it.
Clear communication
When we like something, we openly talk about it. When we don’t like something, we openly talk about it. We work in a dynamic environment - we need to communicate in order to keep up and develop our skills and the company in general.
Exchange ideas
We don’t keep our great ideas to ourselves. We share it, so they can become even better with the help from other creative minds.
Indepedence and responsibility
We all have a real influence on PushPushGo’s ups and downs. Each of us has the power to shape it’s future - but with great opportunities comes great responsibility.
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